
Technology: A Reflection of Evolution’s Dance

At the core of our philosophy, we see technology as a manifestation of life's grand spectacle of evolution. The universe’s building blocks, in their infinite dance, have always sought novel harmonies and structures. From the primal swirl of molecules in ancient oceans that spawned RNA and DNA, to its elaborate reconfigurations that birthed cellular life and eventually, us – every step is and has been part of an ever-ending journey of transformation.

Interconnectedness: Bridging the Human-Technology Divide

Today, while humans might feel distanced from nature, and technology might seem alien to our organic being, we understand these distinctions as mere cognitive constructs – a powerful survival mechanism developed over millennia of evolution. Our perceptions of separation are but constructs of the mind, designed to help us navigate the rich reality we're a part of. Beneath these apparent divisions, we find a singular truth: everything, from the tiniest microbe to the most complex algorithm, is a manifestation of the universe's singular, unbroken rhythm.

From this understanding, our aim is to craft an experience of reality that encourages the creation of meaningful futures, with human connection at its core.

An image created by AI displaying the future. Blue dna. Image is tied to text describing Philosophy of BeInX.
An image created by AI displaying the future. Image is tied to text describing Philosophy of BeInX.

Empowering Leadership and Innovation in the Digital Age

At BeInX, we work with a pragmatic approach to technology and view it as an augmentation of our human being, an extension that magnifies our intentions, our actions, and our impact in this world. As such, technology becomes an extremely powerful tool. With the emergence of digital tech, we have entered anew era of evolution where we witness the ever-growing impact tech plays in our lives, for better or worse.

Today’s leaders are well-positioned to navigate their organizations through this transformative epoch. The challenge is monumental, yet it offers unparalleled opportunities. In a time characterized by rapid technological advancements, the choices leaders make not only shape the immediate trajectory of their businesses but also sculpt the very fabric of our collective futures.

Strategic Human-Centered Technological Integration

Recognizing this immense responsibility, BeInX steps in as a partner for visionary leaders, serving as a guiding light in the vast expanse of digital possibilities. While the promise of technological advancement can be captivating, we believe in harnessing it with mindful intention – ensuring that every innovation, every digital leap, is underpinned by a purpose that aligns with the betterment of humanity and our ecosystems.

For us, this isn't about blindly adopting every new tech trend; it's about strategic integration. It's about understanding the unique purpose of each organization and aligning technological solutions to amplify its strengths, values, and objectives. It's about ensuring that as we push the boundaries of what's possible, we remain anchored in the values that define us as human beings.

In essence, BeInX serves as a bridge. We connect age-old wisdom of human existence with the futuristic promise of technology, crafting pathways that allow organizations to thrive in the present while laying the foundation for a more connected, sustainable, and compassionate future.

Approach & Technologies

Discover innovation through our unique lens. We blend the latest academic research with immersive experiences to deliver an embodied understanding of global evolutions. Our approach is playful yet insight-driven, unraveling tech trends, industry insights, and societal shifts to inspire entire leadership teams. As strategic advisors, we navigate you through this complexity, activating your future organization with the support of our trusted partner ecosystem.

At BeInX, we work with a methodology that's both proven and agile. Innovation never stands still, and neither do we. Working closely with each client, we ensure our guidance is always personalized, aligning with the nuances of your organization. By integrating your vision with the insights of our academic partners, we design every engagement to successfully meet your objectives.

Navigating the vast landscape of technology requires precise focus. Through our partnerships with esteemed research institutions, we've identified the most promising emerging technologies set to impact our future. This map directs our attention to the technologies with the greatest potential to shape the future.

A map of modern technologies that BeInX is using to help its clients.

Our Story

Where did our story begin? With a seemingly innocuous post on Yammer - a corporate social media platform often more silent than a serene countryside. Yet, it was this tranquil space that facilitated a serendipitous connection between two visionaries, setting the stage for an unexpected journey of discovery.

Screenshot of linkedin communication between two members of BeInX team about the initial idea

In just a short span, Ladana and Thomas convened in Prague where Ladana had orchestrated a workshop to explore the potential of virtual reality for business coaching. Their bond grew stronger when they reconnected at London's famous Learning Technologies Conference. It was there that they began sculpting their shared vision: transforming work as a platform for Surviving into Thriving, inspired by technology.

Diana Rádl Rogerová, intrigued by their innovative ideas and seeing a golden opportunity, invited them for a chat. As the managing partner of Deloitte Czech Republic and Chief Strategic Officer for Deloitte Europe, she felt a paradigm shift in leadership, learning, and technology was already underway. Her proposition was decisive: create a dedicated team to pioneer these domains. Onboarding a third person into the team, Klara, the trio shaped what came to be known as Transformational Leadership & Learning.

The next three years were transformative. The team introduced pioneering initiatives, rallying a diverse and global community of Deloitte leadership experts. Their innovative approach attracted co-creators from within and beyond the organization, all keen to contribute to the shared vision of 'Thriving at Work'. Realizing such a multifaceted ambition called for an alliance of thinkers and doers - and they cultivated just that.

Amongst many, a notable initiative was the creation of Deloitte’s Xperience Lab, where people could experience how emerging tech would transform the future of business. Serving as a Museum of the Future, anyone could book a visit to explore various exhibitions on the Future of Work, Learning, Mobility, eCommerce, Energy, Media, …

Yet, as with all visions of grand scale, there came a time when the team's aspirations outgrew the trusted home grounds of Deloitte. Characteristic of the complexity of their endeavors, multiple pathways opened and gave rise to the creation of three companies: Behind Inventions, Bekyn, and… BeInX.

PS The number 3 has always emerged as a central theme in BeInX’s evolution:
-> 3 individuals: Diana, Ladana, and Thomas to establish Transformational Leadership & Learning at Deloitte. Later on, Ladana, Klara, and Thomas becoming its 3 team members.
-> 3 years at Deloitte before continuing the journey with BeInX
-> 3 companies emerging from this new start

You might find yourself remembering the founding story of BeInX, when you notice its official company name, B3InX s.r.o.


Thomas De Bruyne - ceo of BeInX

Thomas De Bruyne

Thomas is the innovative mind behind BeInX as its founder & managing director. Rooted in organizational psychology, he is driven by an innate curiosity about technology.
Photo of BeInX team member - Ladana Edwards.

Ladana Edwards

Ladana dwells on the edge of Evolutionary Leadership, bridging the gap between self-awareness and systemic organizational change.
Photo of BeInX team member - Diana Rádl Rogerová.

Diana Rádl Rogerová

Diana is a Czech senior executive and investor. She is a partner at Behind Inventions and former managing partner of Deloitte Czech Republic.


Our partners are integral to our journey of innovation and excellence. Collaborating with a diverse array of industry leaders and academic institutions, we harness collective expertise to push the boundaries of technology and leadership. These partnerships not only enrich our capabilities but also enable us to offer cutting-edge solutions to our clients, ensuring that together, we are shaping a more innovative and sustainable future.

Logo of Behind Inventions on transparent background

Strategic Partner: Behind Inventions

BeInX is a proud member of the Behind Inventions portfolio, an investor group with pride in Czech innovation, global ambitions, and a strong sense of social responsibility. Where Behind Inventions provides solid business guidance and advice, BeInX serves as a platform for venturing into the unknown as a source of inspiration and considerate action.

Behind Inventions
Photo of BeInX founder Thomas De Bruyne with Ladana Edwards  - partner in Behind Inventions.

Technology Partners

Our tech partner ecosystem results from years of dedicated effort in identifying the most capable companies to accelerate your project implementations. Whether building a pilot project or planning a large-scale rollout, our trusted selection of leading tech companies ensures access to the most reliable and innovative solutions. This rigorous selection process provides you with best-in-class options, freeing up valuable time for strategic decision-making and stakeholder management. We are continuously updating our ecosystem and adding new partners, keeping our selection

Interested in becoming a technology partner? Reach out.

Academic Partners

In collaboration with our academic partners, we're at the forefront of exploring the intersection of technology, psychology, and society. Their team of expert researchers and data scientists enriches our offerings with ground breaking insights. This partnership bridges business and academia, introducing rigorous scientific methodologies into our projects. Beyond mere insights, we leverage their expertise in experiment design, data collection, and analysis to optimize pilot and scale-up initiatives.

Interested in becoming an academic partner? Reach out.

Transformation Partners

Transformation transcends technology – it's fundamentally about the leadership guiding the change. We partner with world-class coaches to offer deep, personal support to leaders, fostering powerful growth that propels organizational success. Imagine the heights you could reach by breaking through barriers and leading with renewed purpose, vision, and passion. Leadership that's ignited from within becomes the driving force of transformative journeys.

Interested in becoming a transformation partner? Reach out.

Logo of Behind Inventions on transparent background

Strategic Partner: Behind Inventions

BeInX is a proud member of the Behind Inventions portfolio, an investor group with pride in Czech innovation, global ambitions, and a strong sense of social responsibility. Where Behind Inventions provides solid business guidance and advice, BeInX serves as a platform for venturing into the unknown as a source of inspiration and considerate action.

Behind Inventions
Photo of BeInX founder Thomas De Bruyne with Ladana Edwards  - partner in Behind Inventions.

Technology Partners

Our tech partner ecosystem results from years of dedicated effort in identifying the most capable companies to accelerate your project implementations. Whether building a pilot project or planning a large-scale rollout, our trusted selection of leading tech companies ensures access to the most reliable and innovative solutions. This rigorous selection process provides you with best-in-class options, freeing up valuable time for strategic decision-making and stakeholder management. We are continuously updating our ecosystem and adding new partners, keeping our selection

Interested in becoming a technology partner? Reach out.

Academic Partners

In collaboration with our academic partners, we're at the forefront of exploring the intersection of technology, psychology, and society. Their team of expert researchers and data scientists enriches our offerings with ground breaking insights. This partnership bridges business and academia, introducing rigorous scientific methodologies into our projects. Beyond mere insights, we leverage their expertise in experiment design, data collection, and analysis to optimize pilot and scale-up initiatives.

Interested in becoming an academic partner? Reach out.

Transformation Partners

Transformation transcends technology – it's fundamentally about the leadership guiding the change. We partner with world-class coaches to offer deep, personal support to leaders, fostering powerful growth that propels organizational success. Imagine the heights you could reach by breaking through barriers and leading with renewed purpose, vision, and passion. Leadership that's ignited from within becomes the driving force of transformative journeys.

Interested in becoming a transformation partner? Reach out.

Logo of Behind Inventions on transparent background

Strategic partner: Behind Inventions

BeInX is a proud member of the Behind Inventions portfolio, an investor group with pride in Czech innovation, global ambitions, and a strong sense of social responsibility. Where Behind Inventions provides solid business guidance and advice, BeInX serves as a platform for venturing into the unknown as a source of inspiration and considerate action.

Behind Inventions
Photo of BeInX founder Thomas De Bruyne with Ladana Edwards  - partner in Behind Inventions.

Technology partners

Our tech partner ecosystem results from years of dedicated effort in identifying the most capable companies to accelerate your project implementations. Whether building a pilot project or planning a large-scale rollout, our trusted selection of leading tech companies ensures access to the most reliable and innovative solutions. This rigorous selection process provides you with best-in-class options, freeing up valuable time for strategic decision-making and stakeholder management. We are continuously updating our ecosystem and adding new partners, keeping our selection

Interested in becoming a technology partner? Reach out.

Academic Partners

In collaboration with our academic partners, we're at the forefront of exploring the intersection of technology, psychology, and society. Their team of expert researchers and data scientists enriches our offerings with ground breaking insights. This partnership bridges business and academia, introducing rigorous scientific methodologies into our projects. Beyond mere insights, we leverage their expertise in experiment design, data collection, and analysis to optimize pilot and scale-up initiatives.

Interested in becoming a technology partner? Reach out.

Transformation Partners

Transformation transcends technology – it's fundamentally about the leadership guiding the change. We partner with world-class coaches to offer deep, personal support to leaders, fostering powerful growth that propels organizational success. Imagine the heights you could reach by breaking through barriers and leading with renewed purpose, vision, and passion. Leadership that's ignited from within becomes the driving force of transformative journeys.

Interested in becoming a transformation partner? Reach out.

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